Sunday , 29 December 2024

Ayurveda: The Importance of Ancient Ayurveda to our Healthy Life

Ayurveda is the chief among the four Upavedas, or subordinate Vedas. The principles of Ayurveda are immortal. Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words – ayu, meaning “life”, and Veda, meaning “knowledge”. Thus, Ayurveda means “knowledge of life.”

The two objectives of Ayurveda:

  • To prolong life and promote perfect health (add years to life and life to years).
  • To completely eradicate disease and dysfunction from the body.

Life is a combination of            

  • Body (SHARIRA)
    • 3 Doshas: – VATA, PITTA & KAPHA
    • 3 Malas: – MUTRA, VISHTA, SWED
  • Senses (INDRIYA)
    • 5 Organs of Senses (GYANENDRIYAS) – Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue, Nose
    • 5 Organs of Action (KARMENDRIYAS) – Pada (feet), Pani (hand), Payu (rectum), Upastha (genitals), Vak (Mouth)
  • Mind (MAN)
  • Consciousness – (ATMA)

The integrated functioning of these four results in a perfect life. Ayurveda takes the individual as a whole and re-establishes harmony between all the constituents of life. Life established in perfect balance means perfect health. The overall purpose of Ayurvedic Treatment is to develop the highest states of consciousness.


  • According to Ayurveda, there are 7 constitutions. It means whole human race can be divided in to seven constitutions.
  • Following are the few important factors in deciding constitution of an individual:
    • Predominance of Dosha in the womb of mother at the time of pregnancy
    • Environment
    • Climate
    • Food habits of mother
    • Mental and emotional condition of mother
  • Constitution remains same for life time.
  • Constitution is very important in determining individual’s health & disease condition

PANCHAMAHABHUTA (Proto-Elements)       

Subjects cover by Ayurveda:

The word ‘Ayurveda’ is basically associated with the longevity i.e. ‘the science of life’ and it can also be said as the holistic alternative science from India. It is more than 5,000 years old and it is believed as the oldest field of medicine that has become the foundation for others.

  • That which is beneficial or damaging to society
  • That which is beneficial or damaging to the individual
  • That which prolongs life.

    The three goals of Life are:
  • A long and healthy life
  • Wealth and success in society
  • Enlightenment

Fulfillment of these three goals results in happiness.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment deals with etiological factors, the signs and
    symptoms of disease and the management of both health and diseases.
  • The
    definition of the concept of health in Ayurveda is holistic. “Swastha” (health)
    means to be “established in the Self,” that is in the self-referral activity of
    the unified field of all the laws of nature.

Ayurvedic Definition of healthy individual:

The Ayurvedic definition of a healthy individual is:

Samadoshah, samagnish cha, samadhatu mala kriyah, prasannatmendriyamanah, svastha ityabhidyiyate

“He whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose bodily tissues are functioning normally, whose excretory functions are in balance, and whose self, mind and senses remain full of bliss, he is called a healthy person.”

The Scriptures, Texts and Oral Traditions in Ayurveda are ascribed by the leading authors Dhanvantari, Charka, Vagbhata, Kashyap, Sushruta, Sarangdhara Samhita and others.

Worldwide known – Ayurveda is a holistic as well as comprehensive system of medicine available today. During earlier times, the sages, surgeons, physicians were the deeply devoted people who saw human health as an important part of the spiritual life. It is said that the training of Ayurveda they have received from their Gurus during meditation including knowledge of different methods of healing, prevention, surgery and longevity.

As the Ayurveda re-awaken in today’s era among the medical practitioners and doctors in a new way, it becomes the reflection of resurgence of the traditional values of life.

With this holistic approach, Ayurveda clearly aims at finding the root of the disease to eliminate it. A classical treatment of authentic Ayurvedic centre such as the Maharshi Atreya Helath Centre is Panchakarma. Maharshi Atreya Health Centre has developed its own unique method of Panchakarma to obtain the maximum benefit from it. 

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